


S + V + { lest + S + should...}

S + V + { for fear (that) + S + should...}

S + V + in case + S + V...   以防(某種可能狀況)

註記:lest = for fear(that)=in case

Mary turned away from her boyfriend lest he should see her tears .

=Mary turned away from her boyfriend so that he might not see her tears.




She studies hard lest/for fear (that) she should fail in the entrance exam.

=She studies hard so that she might not fail in the entrance exam.

=She studies hard in order that she can pass the entrance exam. (表否定與表肯定的副詞子句只要加上pass 或not改變語意就可以靈活互換運用)

=She studies hard in order to pass the entrance exam.

=She studies hard for fear of failing in the entrance exam.

=She studies hard in case she fails in the entrance exam.

in case 是連接詞片語,用來表示「預先做好XX準備,以避免...」句型:in case + 子句


補充:in case of + N / Ving. 是介系詞片語,表示若發生XX事情,要做XX事情或處置,接名詞或代名詞

In case of emergency , call the police. 要是發生緊急事件,打給警察

You can go to the hospital in case of illness. 要是生病你可去醫院


In the case of 是表示在...情況之下,描述另一件事情

In the case of a smart student , getting an A is very easy. 對聰明學生而言,拿到A是很簡單的


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